The Mystical of Mt. Sagara

The Mystical of Mt. Sagara

Mountains are one of the natural beauties that prove the majesty of God. Not many people want to take the time to climb a mountain and enjoy its beauty. However, besides its beauty, the mountain is also famous for its mystique. Not many people are reported missing while climbing the mountain for accidental reasons which are sometimes connected with the mystical as well. I’m going to share my mystical experience while climbing one of the mountains in Garut, namely Mount Sagara.

            At that time, two of my friends and I planned to climb Mount Sagara after climbing Mount Guntur quite often to find a new atmosphere. We agreed to gather at my friend's house in Garut. We prepared everything we needed to climb the mountain such as tents, supplies, portable stoves, warm clothing, flashlights, etc. When we departed from my friend's house, the sky had started to turn orange, which is a sign that dusk was coming. Looking up at the sky, we could predict we would reach the summit late at night. At that time we did not realize the danger of climbing at night.

            My friend and I departed from basecamp around 5 pm. At that time, the sky seemed to be getting dark, with black clouds indicating that it would rain at any time. We continued our journey despite realizing that. We met several other climbers on the way at the first post. They were resting in a hut and preparing to continue their ascent to the next post. We took a rest in the hut with them, then they asked us to climb together because at that time the sun had completely set. It will be safer if climbers consist of more than one group because other groups can help other groups if there are problems.

            We accepted their offer to continue our journey together realizing the sun had set completely, plus we only brought 2 flashlights which were getting dim. Their group walked in front while we walked behind because it seemed like they knew the way to this mountain better than us considering this was our first time climbing Mount Sagara. At that time, our road was uphill with lots of dry land which made it difficult for us to climb which made one of my friends feel tired. We decided to rest a bit and let the other group of climbers continue their journey. We rested on a plain with old tree roots as our seat.

During the break we just looked at the sky which looked beautiful from the place we sat until we saw a flashlight which was quite close below us. Since we thought it was another climber, we decided to wait for the source of the flashlight to come towards us. After waiting long enough we decided to continue the journey because we thought the person was taking a break at the first post we visited before. We continued on our way until we finally arrived at the third post, and when we arrived, it started to rain.

            Realizing that the rain was coming and we were getting tired, we decided to put up temporary tents at the third post. We didn't pitch the tent completely because we had never used that type of tent before and it would take a long time to learn how to do it. Luckily at the third post there was a hut which made it easier for us to put up the tent without following the procedure. After putting up a makeshift tent, we decided to pray first, warm ourselves by cook something, then sleep and intend to leave before dawn.

            While in the tent, we talked about ordinary things that we talked about without discussing sacred matters. Even so, strange things start to happen while we sleep. We heard footsteps coming from outside, but when we looked outside we found no one. Then one of my friends heard a woman's voice talking while the others were sleeping, but just like before, there was no one there. And finally, we often hear someone knocking on the hut where we set up our tent. At that time we didn't want to know what was going on outside our tent. We just want to rest our bodies after a long climb.

            After enough rest, we packed up our tents and started our journey to the fourth post, and continued to the top of the mountain. Once we got to the top, we ran into the group we met at the first outpost. We asked them if anyone else had preceded us when they arrived, and they said they saw no one but us. Thinking back, there was very little chance of anyone wanting to climb the mountain at night, especially on a cloudy day. After that we decided to ignore it and enjoy the view from the top of Sagara mountain.

            We don't know what will happen when we go to the wilderness, one of them is the mountain. In this case we went home safely feeling relieved and at the same time wondering about what had happened. Mountains are often called full of mystical things. True or not, we just need to believe that there is another realm besides the world we live in. Whatever happens, we just need to ask Allah for protection to be kept away from these things.


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